Perceptive Porous Veil


Parapatetic in

effervescent cadence

Discord and benevolent


Cauterizing the jaded


A virdigris scars, traces

the cerulean veins

This river, down

and down and once more

These crossing streams

Seeping through the porous


Roars of vagrant laughter

Cords and chords of

vocal concord

Crossing countries

In an un-fit essence

This delicacy of void impulses

Hedonistic headstrong

waves thrown into

the palace pales

wailing walls of water

They lay sleeping as

the stranger passes in the

evening twilight dawn.

Bound in Freedom


The black-light of apathy
The white-shade of empathy
Others bound by their apathy
Others bound by their empathy
Others freed by their apathy
Others freed by their empathy

Those with overflowing souls
And those with vacant tombs
Those with endless cares
Compassion without passion
Who writhe in pleasure,displeasure and unpleasure

Those who inhale each soothing and caustic vapour
Who find enlightenment in the shadow in the valley of the shadow of death
Those whose hearts merely pump blood

Those who die daily
With each shutter of their eyes
And those who are stillborn well into their sixties without a tint nor blinds
Share the same shade and sun
Neither has ended
Neither has begun

V. What Then?

Flash Fiction

The self-destructive being is a rare oddity in any society.
Not only will they build empires,palaces,castles upon the highest peak but they intend on raising each pillar.

This flesh ,this body and this temple of complete and utter ruins
To create and to destroy
The complete creative process and cycle.

This is not a position or a negation it is simply , ineffibly and completely an expression of the inherent nothingness that neither is or is not.

“What then if I spend my hours in ecstatic debauchery? ”

He poses and ponders, their reasons of which he shall not ask for he is merely a stranger in passing, becoming far more estranged.

As one counts and each breaking chain, as a negation for their un-compensating vice of virtue.

He feigns , as he walks through the hall slowly, dissociated and dettached more so than before, a pistol or a revolving desert eagle, he flicks his index finger at his right temple as pulling a trigger.

He stops, and closes his eyes as if he is breathing for the first time once again, the clear air, pungent in its clarity.

Whether it’s a matter of love or the shear facts of biology, of blood relations, there is nothing there, there is no knowledge , no understanding , none at all.

“Family? Yeah but it’s more of an assumption not even fortune but chance and chance is far more fickle.”

“Ponder this with me… These common ideas of normal,healthy, well-being.”

“The last one is most important or it’s the only one that actually matters. Well-being or being well if I ,’I!’, ‘Me!’, I decide the wellness of my being and I shall simply then abuse the idea of me which You hold so dearly…”

His mantra is simple and he repeats it in his mind, shouting softly, as if rehearsing his final words or hopes that he may not see the morning.

” And yet I am incapable of happiness”
“and yet this, not merely happiness but my happiness, eludes me ”

One or the other, another classic cliché of his inability, ineptitude, indifference ,incapacitated conscience or a subconscious being….What Then?

IV. What Then?


A question of reality
Does the ability to ask
To doubt
To question
A justification of the former?

Cogito ergo sum?
Sum ergo cogito?
This cognitive disorder
The thoughts that slowly slightly lightly slaughter

And watch as we sway in the breeze
And do nothing
Life? Or Live?
Death? Or Die?

Lay awake
And lay and wait
Why not?
Shan’t the nothingness and realities infinite finite absurdity lead to little and nothing more than the swaying amber waves of all that is something-ness in this nothingness

Forever and ineffible complete
We live on as we are

Even the night has become to bright for his days
Fading into the next
The moon is like a burn
And the sun weighs wearily on his
And Her’s

She is the sunshine
He is the lunar light
But maybe
It may be
Or just might
Maybe he can harness her
Maybe she can harness him

The god to his goddess
The goddess to his god
Ejaculating to the galaxy to the stars
To the universal energies and karma
That will
Or rather may
Keep them kept
His brother
Her sister
His sister
Her brother
Or maybe their paths shall converge or digress
As time digests their divergence
The sands shall stand before them an infest that’ll ingest their history with every bated waiting testing breath
That is test to all that is contained in their chest.

Life: A Segue


As the spaceships pass
Beneath this path to Heaven
Should I pray for happiness or forgiveness?
Or should we just roll some more of this

Amethyst herbiculture
With purple dreams
The crumbling kidneys
The burning lungs
From fire and summer equinox or winter orthodox

This piece is a pilgrimage
To lands only known by God’s and Goddesses
Maybe this is an apology note
Or just a plain confession
Find me at the concession stand in half an hour
A Scooby Snack or A towered sandwich

It’ll just be another mask underneath it all
The smoking mirror
Go figure find a fashion we can lead and follow
On our own
Don’t all get born and die alone?

These murky waters swirling through the blurring glass
Something pink purple and yellow
In vino veritas
Humanity’s and humanities Heritage

Tablets by the handful
I’ll stop at twenty-five
Or twenty-eight

Ounces or miligrams?
Inches or centimetre
Blurred lines of white
Freedom from these burning fleshy bars
May be we’ll break free if we tattoo a couple psalms

Olympus moonshine
Swallowing Shooting stars
Red giants and blue dwarfs
Twirling whirling swirling
Till I’m curled in that sweet sweep me of my feet in that big ball of fire

Asolare:A Toast

Flash Fiction

She asked him what is his defence and thus he proceeded.

” The possibility of me being evil is highly unlikely as much as the impossibility of me being good.”

” First and foremost I am a nihilist, amongst my unending bouts of solipsism, subjective objectivism, and recurring absurdism.”

” The question whether ‘I’ can only know myself through others and all existence is contingent on my existence and that of the creator of their own existence…”

” Leaves with a simple answer, life is shanana and therefore completely and utterly asolare.”

“Delightful yet completely meaningless.”

He raises his chalice and stands at the end and top of the table. “A toast, Asolare!”

What Then?

Flash Fiction

What then?
He walks pondering whether it may be better or even worse would be better than this simplistic plateau.
There is little here in the world’s multitude and plurality.

When then, he continues, the bullet in the brain to express and break the banality before him, before them all really.

Surely the precise enticing Seppuku-like dissembling in which he proves,mainly to himself, that he is merely the sum of his parts.
Possibly, he ponders, he is nearly worth the blade for he shall spare the bullet the pollution of his mind and spare the undeserving walls and floors.

Though they, in such close access, so in touch and touchable and tangible the pills of minor,major or infinite sleep to the finite being, possibly in the least he deserves that which is the material of eternal dreams.

A Stranger In Passing

Flash Fiction

Incapable of that which is so valued, that which is love and happiness.
Although that transient act, that love remained unnamed and unconditional.

A simple scene, once or twice seen – at best – there’s everything and nothing here. A mere observance of significant insignificance.

He passes by and by.
She passes by and by.
Time passes by and by and even the best of goodbyes come with the deepest sighs.

Consistently he or she is late yet on time. Friends or Family untraveled paths just more untouched till withering tall quafts of drying grass.
Only ever punctual for their own deaths whether freely and conscious or freely and unconscious.

Give them a mild applause, or him or her alone. These ever rolling stones gathering and sharing moss as they go.

Their un-maintained bridges and seeds sown…
Only to be reaped by stranger stranger far more estranged for neither this nor that is their own.

Twilight Nihilism


Laying with humid freshness upon overheating threads
To unravel now

Beside up titled screen
And iridescent sun
The incomplete text

Persuaded by airs of timeless grains
They linger upon the shrugged lower lids
The cravings of incomplete nicotine sticks
The calling of tar

Then there’s that solemn hymn of metaphoric rhythmic monologues and duet soliloquys and
What not
And so forth



Not bliss nor terror
Not sorrow nor sadness

Neither horror but some solace
Lightly sprinkled in those lighthearted dark depths

The countless pillars
In support of un-imagined skies
And O’ what lies there

What caring
What worrying
What worries
What carrying

Not happiness or glee
Not paradise or heavens spree



Birds eye view
All is beneath where life doesn’t qualify my dreams
Although I am not above
The time spent on thoughts
And minimal acts
If existence precedes essence
I am without and within
These years I’ve spent
All the time give
This is all I have to express
As I leap in despair from above the globes ceiling
If not all than only I ceases

As I Lay Awake


Whether it is better to live
Prolonging the inevitable
Or whether it is better to die
Whether it is better to be honest
Or whether it is better to half-lie

As I lay awake
All that will be taken or spent or wasted is time
Whether it is worthy or I
Or deserving and if so then why

As I lay awake
Whether it is better to be
Or whether it better to become
Can essence precede existence
In bad faith

As I lay awake
Whether I’ll ever know
Or not
Whether I’ll ever understand
Or not
As I lay awake
With the unanswered
That may never be

I shall live and be curious of further curiosities
I shall be
I shall become
As I lay awake
Maybe it is better to dream


Parasitic Host (Short Story)

Corona answers Leila’s call now at his office door, he lifts his head and finds his gaze met and he’s absorbed. He takes her hand as she reaches out and he allows her to lead down the passage up to the master suite and as the door he breaks the silence and adds to the building tension “…All I am is… searching for moments.”

Off switch,off switch
Punching holes through walls
Kick down the door quick
Unseen slow slick
Souls and hearts wonder

Matte and metallic lips
Within Golden or blushed bronze Porcelain skin
The locks of a goddess daughtered in her

Into sky blue pools as he wished to he shall wake
With torso in arms
Soft lips
Declines and Elevates
To the beat
Arms in orbit about a near perfect waist ,all imperfect accessories accentuate all that she is and she isn’t, all that he is and is notm

In no tics
Strip she unravels
Fibre by fibre,upon skin
See the blood travel

Flesh with blood a fresh
As moons rise
Artists spill
Until fingertips freeze

Slowly he teases until the strings in His extremities, the hoards of these lonely chords and the linen canopy begin to creak,as all tension and silence breaks and shatters.

The crimson blue luster in the moonlight strives onward pumping ice through arteries and the shooting fire butterflies of winged glass, ‘A’ grade pass…
..All melts off and cue it soon and let the music live on…too it’s own rhythm and blues..